- High quality Redwood scantlings to make window- and door frames.
size e.g.: 50 x 50,65mm , 53 x 66 mm, 75 x 90,100mm - Blanks, non-edged high quality timber.
- Products for packaging industry.,
e.g. beveled and chopped according to specifications
size e.g.: 125x125mm, 150x150mm, 175x175mm, 200x200mm
Other minor products:
- We also saw blanks for boat-building and music instruments. Timber for roof shingles we can deliver on request.
High quality timber we get trough our extra large horizontal band saw and circular saw, which make it possible to cut oversized logs (according Scandinavian standards)
We cut mainly knot-free over-sized Redwood butt logs (Pinus Sylvestris). Our saw may be used to cut radially. In this way we can adjust the cut under an angle of 45-90 degrees relative to the year rings. A radial cut increases durability and makes the timber more weatherproof.
In our 3 chamber hot air drying kiln we can dry the timber up to the customer specifications (e.g. transport dry.)
Evira - IPPC ISPM 15-standard
FI-KTTK-2009 P 557
Caring for our forests globally –